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Nominations for 2020 are open!

Nominations for 2020 are now open. Fill out the form below to complete your nomination. Please read the nomination criteria below before submitting your nominations. Nominations will close at 8pm on October the 13th.

Nomination criteria for each award in 2020 is as follows:


Breed Event of the year -

An event which pulls together people of all ages and experiences to celebrate a breed or breeds.  From commemorative shows and events to international congresses volunteers pull together fabulous events celebrating not just the show side of things but also the health, welfare and future of the breed(s).  More than just a dog show we are looking for nominees who go that extra mile to include breed specialists and breed enthusiasts, newcomers to well established kennels and bridging the gap between the generations.  Events should have a serious aspect and promote the health and wellbeing of pedigree dogs.


  • Promote health and wellbeing

  • Incorporate breed welfare & rescue

  • Inclusive and welcoming atmosphere

  • Celebration of the breed(s)


Judge of the year -

A judge who has demonstrated throughout the year integrity, passion and enjoyment of their appointments.  Judges in a breed specific manner, taking into account the purpose of the breed and ‘fit for function’ on each appointment.  Shows good conduct and management of the ring, empathy to exhibitors and provides full and comprehensive critiques.


  • Integrity / Passion / Enjoyment 

  • Breed Specific Manner / Fit For Purpose 

  • Ring Conduct / Management

  • Critiques 


Championship Show of the year - 

To have offered a well organised, efficient and smooth running show that is exhibitor friendly. To provide exhibitors a varied schedule of classification and activities with recognition for prize winners and demonstrating value for money for exhibitors and visitors.  Be open to exhibitor feedback and to make changes where possible and appropriate as well as being innovative in their approach.


  • Well organised / Well run show 

  • Exhibitor friendly 

  • Classification / Activities 

  • Prize winner recognition 

  • Value for money (exhibitors / visitors) 

  • Exceed exhibitor expectations 


Open show of the year -


To have offered a well organised and well run show which is exhibitor friendly. To provide exhibitors a varied schedule of classification and activities with recognition for prize winners and demonstrating value for money for exhibitors and visitors.  To be forward thinking to exceed exhibitor expectations. To promote a good mix of breed judges and all rounders and to schedule a representative  blend of breeds.  To try to generate as big an entry as possible and promote this level of show to its maximum potential.


  • Well organised / Well run show 

  • Exhibitor friendly 

  • Classification / Activities 

  • Prize winner recognition 

  • Value for money (exhibitors / visitors) 

  • Exceed exhibitor expectations 

  • Judges / Classification 


Training class of the year -


To actively help and encourage newcomers into the sport whilst working with established exhibitors to provide ongoing training and support. To host regular training classes / matches and activities encouraging any exhibitor at any level including newcomers and junior handlers to continuously progress and learn.  To be a training class for any dog competing at any level in various disciplines e.g. show training, obedience, agility.


  • Promote newcomers 

  • Promote junior handlers 

  • Provide Varied Activities 


Exhibitor of the year -

A role model exhibitor who handles their dog(s) in a kind and gentle manner to get the very best out of them.  An exhibitor who presents themselves and their dog(s) to the very highest standards.  An exhibitor who demonstrates excellent behaviours by being  courteous and respectful to judges, officials and other competitors.  Nominees should demonstrate excellent sportsmanship and should be looked at as a role model in their breed/group and the wider dog showing community.


  • Handling Dog(s) 

  • Presentation 

  • Conduct in/out of the ring.


Steward of the year -

A Steward who has an excellent understanding and awareness of  the correct ring procedure and abides by the KC rules.  A steward who actively encourages and supports the training to upskill  less experienced stewards.  A Steward who has good control of the ring; is unobtrusive, helpful and polite to all judges and exhibitors and who at no point becomes centre of attention when in the ring; enabling the judge to proceed with their role in an efficient and professional way 


  • Knowledge of KC procedure / rules 

  • Encourages those less experienced 

  • Ring Management 

  • Conduct 


Writer of the year -

A columnist, journalist or writer who accurately reports news and writes interesting articles giving a full, comprehensive and thoughtful viewpoint on a range of topics.  Nominations are not restricted to the canine press and may come for online writers. It is important that writers provide impartial news and views covering multiple areas of interest to the canine world, informing and entertaining readers.



  • Full / Comprehensive Viewpoint 

  • Varied Topics 

  • Entertaining / Empathetic 



Trade stand of the year -

A trade stand regularly supporting dog shows and canine events.  A trade stand with pleasant, professional staff that are courteous to exhibitors and customers, offering excellent customer service.  A trade stand with a great working relationship with the show committees where they have a presence. A stand offering a wide range of affordable products within their market sector, offering excellent advice and knowledge about the products available.


  • Dog Show Support 

  • Staff (Knowledge) 

  • Staff (Exceeding Customer Expectations) 

  • Working Relationships 

  • Product Range 


Photographer of the year -

Open to any type of photographer (professional or amateur) who takes pictures for both the press and clients.  A photographer recognised for original, quality pictures for the press and clients.  A photographer who is approachable and polite to exhibitors and who takes photographs which get the most out of their subject(s). A photographer who offers advice on how to get the best picture for the client and who offers web and reprint pictures within a good timeframe.



  • Original / Quality Pictures 

  • Conduct 

  • Gets The Most Out Of The Subject 

  • Service 



Junior of the year - (Updated for 2020)

A junior (under the age of 24yrs as of 31st Dec 2019) who handles their dogs correctly, calmly and in a breed specific manner, demonstrating good sportsmanship in the ring, with exhibitors, judges and officials and who accepts their placements respectfully. Nominees may compete and achieve results in junior handling competition and / or breed classes and should show a genuine interest in learning more about dogs.   Nominees should be able to demonstrate that they have contributed to the wider world of dogs through participation and achievements in other canine disciplines.  Nominees may also be involved in charity work and / or fund raising, working with a show committee and / or stewarding as well as helping and encouraging others in the sport.


  • Handling 

  • Conduct 

  • Sportsmanship 

  • Learning 

  • Achievements 


Breeder of the year -


A breeder who – consistently produces top quality dogs within the breed(s) they are involved in.  A breeder who makes their mark on a breed by encouraging and supporting newcomers and who produces quality dogs for others to also  achieve success.  A breeder who demonstrates a passion for health and who responsibly conducts relevant health tests and who considers ‘fit for function’ in their breeding programme.  A breeder who demonstrates good sportsmanship and is polite to fellow breeders, exhibitors and judges and accepts their awards with grace and helps to promote their breed(s) in a responsible way.


  • Breeding Stock 

  • Health / Fit For Function 

  • Good Sportsmanship 

  • Promotion Of Their Breed(s)

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